Value Creation from an Implemented Holistic Sand Strategy – A Case Study

SMS Team / April 11, 2018

This paper will follow on from “Sand Management in Petronas – Challenging the Status Quo” presented at SMN in 2016, which discussed the development of a sand management pilot project.

It will demonstrate how the adoption and implementation of the recommended holistic sand management strategy, both at a corporate / central level and local / operational centre has proven to create significant value.

2 case examples will be discussed over 2 different Petronas fields, looking at the implementation process, the specific hurdles encountered and benefits realised, both short term and long term. This paper provides proven examples of quick-win solutions and the benefits of a little patience when introducing new methodologies and new management ideas to a group of specialists. A valuable project that has provided grounds for a new sand management culture within Petronas.

Click here to download the presentation as PDF.

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